hello world!

I am still learning as always so this website may not appear properly. It is likely best viewed on desktop and 1920x1080. I use Edge so it may appear differently in other browsers which I may be unaware of. If they are any issues, please let me know. Thank you! Have a lovely day.

who is behind this?

Hi, I'm Elliott but you may call me Lio for short! I'm a 19 year old student studying Multimedia arts who likes cute things and animals (Deadly allergic but who can stop me in this Earth? No one else but God). I'm just one of those people who miss the old web they enjoyed as a child hence the creation of this site... (UuU ;)9 I'm a yapper unfortunately so the text on the right is just a provided short summary of it's purpose but feel free to scroll down from here to know more.

oh, where'd this come from?

I was around the age of 11 which I believe happened somewhere in the year of 2016 was when I took interest in the web. I first discovered HTML and CSS through DeviantArt during when you could still customize your profile which excited me looking at the unique looks each user had in theirs! I find it unfortunate that sites now or at least most have become "simplistic" and no longer have these fun "personalities" I looked forward to when surfing the web. I also spent a lot of time playing games online as a kid so you can imagine how upset I was when Flash games died out... I especially enjoyed games from GirlsGoGames, Barbie and Avata Star Sue (special mentions to "World of Mimi" and "School Flirting Game" as well). You can bet for sure I was completely overjoyed since discovering Neocities!

what does hmln even mean?

Not impressive to learn about lol.. but it is named after Hamelin, a character from an otome visual novel titled Ozmafia!!! which is a game I have been unable to get over since 2017... painfully so. So many years have passed yet my heart still aches for him and a fictional man no less is what makes me miserable! It's embarassing (I still love him, don't take me seriously on this)! Besides the fact there is no real reason why I didn't just straight up use Hamelin and just took out the vowels when creating this site... you absolutely won't see any sight of him here which is absolutely diabolical cause you'd expect the theme to consist of him! but that just shows how much of a clown I am.


Hello, dolls! I hope you enjoy your time visiting this tiny internet home of mine that I created myself. As time goes on, I want to use this website as a time capsule to preserve everything that is dear to me, keeping "alive" the essence of the little girl I once was. learn more?

need to contact?

you may email me or comment on my profile!


site button

let me know if you linked me and would like to be linked back!
u p d a t e s

2025年1月4日 update Happy new year! I did minor changes such as updating the little ID at the bottom, new buttons in #sites and small text changes in the front page. Apologies there aren't much changes during these past months as I'm still adjusting to a new city and now in my 1st year of college! It's trimester so most of my time is spent on outputs and the little time is left to meeting up friends and playing games as a break from school.

2024年6月23日 update Updated the contents of this page since I realized I left out some information I wanted to write in here.

2024年6月23日 update New layout! temporary page for #art gallery just to give something new...

2024年6月20日 logs So a few days ago... haha :'] I finally got to drawing my own images to start my plan but I made a mistake so my motivation shrunk... if you ever see the new layout now, just know there'll be minor adjustions (it'll just be the images but yea!) to suit the theme i originally wanted to go for ;;;; I also had the worry if I wanted to include horror, I might have to make a separate page for warning before one can get to the main page? I don't want to accidentally put someone off by surprise :( not that I think i'll do a good job at horror but still ><

2024年6月6日 logs ...An embarassing amount of time passed but im working on it again but if anything, I just graduated from high school this may and heading to college soon! I'll be studying Multimedia Arts QAQ!!!

2023年11月15日 logs Started working on the new layout for this site, balling it again as always with no proper plan/image in mind

2024年4月25日 update Fixed the pages and links! All images should appear by now :]

2023年8月11日 update Added about me page. I might re-do the whole main page while at it too now that ive kinda gotten more familiar with coding now?

2023年8月9日 logs Working on left side bar now. I kinda have an idea what i'd like my site to be now, I really miss how sites and games I used to play look so i hope to have a bit of that in here :)... in well future pages, not here! almost forgot to mention I edited the center page again.

2023年8月8日 update I'm really happy with how its turning out so far, ive created the to-do-list and credit section today! finished center part!

2023年8月7日 logs Day I started working on creating this site. Honestly still not sure what kind of look I'd like here... so I really am just truly messing around and finding out what ever im doing results in. I say this but I get giddy each time it turns out looking nice before falling back into despair on the next things to do lol


1st Year
ID No.
This card confirms that this individual is a student of ###.
  • rework main page for mobile optimization
  • rework all site sections/pages
  • add music
hmln.neocities.org © 2022-2024